Center for Christian Thought
“The kinds of ideas discussed around the table at the Center for Christian Thought have power to transform people through conversations at coffee shops, in backyards, neighborhoods, communities and churches. We want to bring these conversations to bear on the real lives of people everywhere."
Gregg Ten Elshof
Biola University Center for Christian Thought

Make an Impact Through Ideas
If Christian wisdom is going to make an impact in our world, it needs a place of influence in the academy and the church, two powerful institutions of human culture that shape the way we think and live.
The Biola University Center for Christian Thought (CCT) exists to reconnect Christian scholarship with the academy and the church, with the goal of enriching the lives of all people with the wisdom of God.
This innovative and exciting new center offers Christian scholars from around the globe the necessary resources to have a significant voice in their respective fields. The ideas that govern the academy invariably shape culture. By resourcing the Christian voice in the academy, we make possible significant movement toward a gospel-shaped culture.
The Table: Wisdom for the Church
The Table is a multi-media platform that exists to fulfill CCT's mission to reconnect Christian scholarship with the Church. The Table offers a space to read articles by thought leaders and scholars, watch video interviews, listen to audio storytelling, and experience wisdom together through events and community interaction.
Innovative Opportunities for Scholars
Biola’s Center for Christian Thought offers our research fellows—scholars from Biola and beyond—a unique opportunity to collaborate around research themes.
We invite Christian scholars from various disciplines and perspectives into integrative and constructive conversation, resourcing them with the funds and space necessary to develop their ideas over the course of semester or year-long residential fellowship programs. Research fellows meet regularly at the center, interact with world-class visiting scholars and produce scholarship with the goal of shaping higher education with distinctively Christian perspectives.