Our Commitment to You
Whether you have already invested in Biola or are considering investing, we think it’s important you know our philosophy of biblical stewardship.

God owns it all
God has provided us with all of our time, wealth, possessions, abilities and resources. He owns everything. These resources are His gifts to us, which He will use to accomplish wonderful things for His Kingdom. (1 Chronicles 29:14)

We are to manage God's resources
Since God owns everything, we are called to be managers or stewards of all that God entrusts to them, to honor and glorify Him. (1 Pt. 4:10, Lk. 16)

Our giving is to God
Giving is a worshipful, obedient act of returning to God from what He has provided. (Philippians 4:17-18)

Our giving is a reflection of where we place our treasure
From God’s Kingdom view, our giving becomes a tool to further God’s work on earth. (Lk. 12:34, 1 Tim. 6:17-19)

God desires that we give cheerfully
While faithful stewardship is our responsibility, God desires that our giving would come from a heart motivated by joy. Our desire is to encourage people in their journey of stewardship, that they might discover or continue in the joy of giving. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Our Commitment to You
As we build relationships with you we will:
- Rely on Scripture to guide our fundraising practices
- Rely on the Holy Spirit to prompt hearts to give
- View giving as an act of obedient worship to God
- Invest time in building Kingdom relationships
- Work with integrity in all we say and do
- Listen to the hearts of our donors
- Join together in prayer as partners in ministry
- Value every gift, regardless of size
- Communicate clearly and regularly with those in partnership with us
- Vow to be effective stewards of the gifts entrusted to us by our ministry partners
- Seek and value accountability
What is our Role?
The mission of Biola’s Advancement Office is to build authentic partnerships that promote and inspire personal life transformation through biblical stewardship. Biola stands ready to assist you so that you can steward all God has entrusted to your care. Our purpose is to share opportunities and invite God’s people to invest in God’s Kingdom through the mission and vision of Biola University.